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Create Beautiful Partnerships
by Philip Whittingham, Julia Cawthorne
ISBN: 9781845494742
Format: softback
170x244 mm
(6.69x9.61 inches)
Pages: 234
Imprint: swirl
Cover Price: £9.95
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Create Beautiful Partnerships
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  • Description

Those of us who are able to achieve fulfilling partnerships often do so, without knowing how. Many seem to be able to find happiness, even beauty within themselves and relationships effortlessly. For others these things, in particular relationships that eventually grow into partnerships that are smooth and flowing, seem elusive and difficult, hence the need for this model.

Study of how others achieve, what seems intangible and unachievable to us, is the key to finding it for ourselves. To find a soul mate for many is only an aspiration, by digesting and understanding what may seem a new model, can only help more of us to fulfil what was previously a dream.

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