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info Book Information <<back
by Stewart Morton
ISBN: 9781845490812
Format: softback
140 x 216 mm
(5.5 x 8.5 inches)
Pages: 364
Imprint: swirl
Cover Price: £11.99
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  • Description

Guzz is an independent young man with a free spirit whom his friends and acquaintances regard as something of a rock - someone to rely on in times of need and trouble. A series of events ranging form revelations from a friend who admits to being gay, to the death of loved ones and a surprise turn around in his lifestyle, and an ultimate revelation from his closest friend leaves Guzz confused and bewildered, no longer the rock he assumed he was. He suddenly finds himself alone and isolated having been confronted by a series of strange and challenging occurrences, which he has failed to recognise in his life. It is only in the final scenes of the story that Guzz is able to free himself of his previous image to emerge a new and freed person, no longer hiding behind the mask he has been forced to wear.

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